M-T, TH: 8:30-3:00
W: 8:30-7:00 / F: 8:30-12:30
(609) 397 3240
Zuzana Karas
609-397-3240, Ext. 208.
[email protected]
Office Hours:
2nd Wednesday of the Month,
5 pm - 7 pm
Rosalind Westlake
Chairperson - Class IV Member
Larry Coffey
Vice Chairperson - Class IV Member
James Waltman
Class I Member
Diane McDaniel
Class II Member
Joe Vocke
Class III Member - Liaison to Township Committee
Richard Macomber
Class IV Member
Class IV Member
Kathy Katz
Class IV Member - Secretary
Liaison to Environmental Commission
Mark Wright
Class IV Member
Alternate I
Patrick Miller
Alternate II
Charles Cline
Liaison to Board of Adjustment
Caine Fowler
Alternate Liaison to Board of Adjustments
Steven Goodell, Esq.
C. Richard Roseberry, P.E.
Nick Dickerson
Zuzana Karas
Secretary and Administrative Officer
Members of the Delaware Township Planning Board are appointed by the Mayor and serve staggered four year terms. Alternates serve for two years. The Board is assisted by Advisory members who have annual appointments. The Planning Board normally meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30p.m. at the Delaware Township Municipal Building. Alternate dates are sometimes scheduled due to conflicts with elections or holidays. Special meetings are scheduled on occasion.
The filing deadline for all applications is 28 calendar days prior to the first Tuesday of each month. The Planning Board hears applications that are deemed to be complete, namely, applications that have addressed all the applicable items on the appropriate application checklist.
The Delaware Township Planning Board reviews applications for approval of subdivisions, site plans, and conditional uses. It is authorized by statute to review applications with variances from the provisions of the Delaware Township Land Use Ordinance under certain circumstances. Applications with variances that the Board is not permitted by statute to consider are referred to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
The Planning Board has designated a Subdivision and Site Plan Review Committee. Its members meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. to review upcoming applications and to deem applications complete or incomplete. They also assist residents who have specific questions about the development of their land pursuant to the Land Use Ordinance. These discussions are informal and not binding on the Board or the prospective applicant.